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Janani parivahan a reality in Hoshangabad

I was in Govt hospital just to see what all is happening for IMR and MMR. I just entered today at 815 PM in Call center of janani parivahan. There was a call at 835 PM the operator informed the janani Driver to reach in some near by village which was 45 KM away from Dist HQ. The driver took it very casually when I asked, he said am going and want to go but there is no Petrol in my Van, I have consumed all petrol while coming from Bhopal the owner will reach hospital in 15-20 minutes and then I will start for village. It was 840 PM by this time and then I show little anger and finally he took van and went out of the premises at 855 PM. When asked the operator why this van had gone to Bhopal he said every day the Doctors are referring 4-6-8 cases as SNCU is having only 20 beds for infants and they dont want to take any risk. Now district hospitals has only two vans for janani parivahan and if both are going to Bhopal with referred cases who will take care of Women of Rural areas, also the Drivers are taking 2 to 3 trips to Bhopal in a day, even the poor drivers are nt getting time to eat Lunch or Diner. Now questions are why dont we increase Vans, why cant we extend seats/beds in SNCU and whats the interests of Doctors for referring the cases in Bhopal which is very risky as road is often blocked at Ghat section and it takes minimum two hours. I was really shocked .......who will take care of this??? Same Doctors living in vicinity of 30 to 45 KM and doing up down to District hospital use the same Van to pick and drop them in hospital from the house. How do they make entries of this God knows........


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