An interesting discussion between me and Jitesh Rath on a Post I wrote today.
Jitesh- I don't feel any problem in this,Frankly I appreciate the idea & innovation.As because ...1. more opportunity for dev professional 2.Its an art 3. fund raising should be specific dept for support for org and if it is systematically proposed better result will come ...And we can't denied the fact How much Fund is Imp to facilitate the program or Project
I-असली बात आ गई ना कि सोशल वर्क वालों को "काम" के ज्यादा मौके मिलेंगे, मेरे पूर्ववर्ती संस्थान में, जो एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संस्थान था और कई गिरगिट नुमा सोशल वर्कर काम करते थे वहाँ, एक माताजी को इसी काम के लिए रखा था उन्होंने साल भर में छः लाख इकठ्ठे किये और उनकी तनख्वाह बारह लाख प्रति वर्ष थी और उस पर से वो हवाई जहाज के नीचे कदम नहीं रखती थी और सौभाग्य या दुर्भाग्य से वो ISSW इंदौर की ही "प्रोडक्ट" थी तो कहते है "वा सोना का जारिये जा सो टूटे कान"
Jitesh- Dada bilkul........I am Professional social Worker,Really Happy to mention "professional" Yeah again its an Part of noble work But think my value dada.... Is MBBS is not a noble profession,then y Doctor charge soo much ???? Is B.E. is not a noble profession,then y engineers paid soo much???? So If they can paid,then as development professional, I haven't committed crime for growth of myself ....Issw ki jay......
I- no its nt a question of comparison and pay structure. See the competence and skills they have the kind of Language Proficiency they have, you guys will take lot of years to develop and just social work that too without any maturity and ideological understanding .you can nt be a real Professional Jitesh Rath , dont mind but ISSW has lost its image and nnow it is almost in vain and the kind of products are coming out are nt of worth you know this very well, all the works in MP is being done by mostly out siders and the kind of radical change is brought in vicinity, is only by these people and nt by ISSW product. They all are living a Pseudo world of Fantasies, which needs to be broken down now.....
Jitesh-Dada..I cant underestimate myself or my professional carrier .I can't ..And if it can be so called as an Pseudo world of fantasies..happy to accept it...
I-its nt you its the entire gang which is coming up and doing and creating lot of garbage in social field hence we see such types of advertizements and people sitting there are creating lot of nonsense type of things.
Jitesh-garbage ?? thanks ...
I- yes when you will enter in real field you will find some people who are creating a mess especially people who come from Big Insstt of Social Work and Branded ones, they have spoiled the soul of social work and due to their funny ideas, innovative techniques things are in worst conditions. People working in UN agencies, INGOs MNGOs, Bilateral Agencies, Socio-Govt Sector are also duffer and gone cases and unfortunately they are the Decision makers for poverty, child right, Dalit and other genuine issues..........and you will realize my words when you will see in real operations or implementations Jitesh Rath after completion of your MA in Social Work.