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RIP- Shrikant Suryvanshi the only Best Chemistry Teacher

Shrikant Suryvanshi the only Best Chemistry Teacher of the world and Dewas passed away today..............

Oh So sad ..............its a sad news indeed he was nt only a Chemistry teacher but one the best persons whom I met in life. I remember he was almost like our educational father and gave us all the learning of life. I know him since 1979, fortunately he was my class teacher in X "G", Very often he would meet us.......and ask about each one of us, he would know all my batch mates by name and keep him self up dated with our jobs, places and life. He was active till his last breath if i say it wont be wrong. Shrikant Suryvanshi was the name of Teaching Field in Dewas, Dr Upadhyay, Yatish kanungo, PD Saxena and Shrikant Suryvanshi are the four major pillars of educational field who taught 90 % of present Dewas and made them such human beings that they all are doing jobs nicely and running family. One of the pillars among these four has gone today. He was so kind that he would nt ask for fees in tuition from poor students, rather he would pay them for their exam / board fees. Thankfully due to his wishes I was heading one CBSE School as Principal in dewas in 1999-2000, where in he came one day and asked me to enroll his daughter in XI. I said you should nt have come, you could have just messaged me why did you come? He said no Sandip, am nt talking to my student, am talking to a Principal, and as a Parent I must be courteous to come and request.Rare bread of teachers with values and clear vision. Hats Off Sir you gave me and many more a value system and vision to look and peep into the Life. May God Bless his soul and give enough strength to family to bear this shock.


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