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ये अमेरिका की पढाई इतनी महंगी और महत्वपूर्ण क्यों

ये अमेरिका की पढाई इतनी महंगी और महत्वपूर्ण क्यों है कि जो जा रहे है वो जाने के पहले गधों जैसे हो जाते है वीसा, जी आर ई , टोफेल और आखिर में बेंक के लोन चक्कर में..............
सबसे ज्यादा बुरा लगता है जो विद्यार्थी जा रहे है वो सर पर लोन का बोझ और सदियों की थकान लेकर जाते है फ़िर वहाँ जाकर क्या ऐसा मिल जाता है कि उनका सारा किया धरा धूल जाएगा...........पाप पुण्य और वगैरहा वगैराह, और अब तो अमेरिका की एम्बेसी यह सूंघ ले कि गुरु आप नौकरी के भी जुगाड में रहोगे पढाई के बाद, अपने लोन को चुकाने के धत करम भी करने की मंशा पाल रहे हो, तो बस भैया वो तो वीसा पे ही कुंडली मार के बैठ जायेंगे ..............
जहां तक मेरा ज्ञान है भारत ज्ञान का केन्द्र रहा है फ़िर ये हाय तौबा क्यों............और फ़िर ये सारा दर्द झेलकर जाने की जरूरत क्यों.....................
गौतम बुद्ध कहते है लंबी दूरी तय करना हो तो सर पर कम वजन रखकर चलो...............पर हमारे ये युवा सर पर अरबों टन का तनाव और पुश्तों के कर्ज रखकर जा रहे है जबकि मियाँ ओबामा ने आउटसोर्सिंग बंद करने का भी फैसला कर दिया है और वो क्या कहते है रिसेशन भी तो झाँक रहा है दूर कही से...............अरे जिस देस के जन गण मन को गाकर बड़े हुए उसे ठुकरा कर कहा जाओगे और फ़िर तुम्ही लोग देस की "सिक्सा" को छोड़ दोगे तो कौन बिसबास करेगा हमारी "सिक्साओं" पर क्यों भिया सई है कि नई............
समझाओ भैया लोगों बहनों............अपुन तो बुढा गये अब............
Chandni Tyagi
m not sure about how far can we go by dwelling on our past glory and achievements. The fact is that none of the Indian universities even make it to the top 500 universities in the world. Then, why should the younger generation be condemned to take up sub-standard higher education here when other alternatives are available...i agree with u on the negative effects of such costly education on students but linking it with patriotism and values will be wrong.
Tohid Qureshi The answer to this bhedchaal is skill development in our own country
Everyday I meet people across industries, from journalism to engineering. Employers say that they have vacancy but are not getting the right people whereas loads of youths remain jobless despite having the degree. We need to attract the best talent in teaching at all levels from KG to PG
Sandip Naik
Chandni Tyagi agreed but this is our responsibility to make our instts BEST among all........why cant we when we have TIFR, BARC, TISS, IIMs, IITs and all such why we are unable to impress our own youths to get into the same. I really have serious concerns for the issue though written this very satiric but am serious and have lot of questions. We need a real revolution for higher education now enough of the drama of SSA and universalized primary education, in spit of knowing real status of Primary education I will still go for higher education now to focus upon
Chandni Tyagi
dada the point is that even the institutes that have been mentioned by u as an example of the best ones in India don't make it anywhere closer to the world's top 500 ones. Why should somebody settle for the inferior one when they have opportunity and talent to be in the best one. As far as improving the state of higher education in India is considered I dont see it happening untill and unless such institutes become autonomous and out of the bureaucratic clutches.
Apoorva Dubey This was the worst public mockery of mine!
Sandip Naik
This is nt public mockery of any one or individual, my concern is about the quality education being provided by Indian instts, and larger vision. India had been a center of Gyan and today people like Kapil Sibbal and others are making hell of education, I also wrote that govt should stop flowing money in Primary education and pay attention in higher education as we see that lot of professional colleges are coming up but no one is paying attention on quality and hence the issues I raised here are of country nt of any individual. If you cant inter prate the things am also helpless and am damn happy with all such Sick Mentality and my own Castle.
Samarth Shrivastava Malik baat shiksha ki nahi paiso ki hai plus mere bharat mahan mien kota hi le doobta hia hum jais gareebo ko.
Sandip Naik
interestingly when I wrote this yesterday late night at a serious note, although in the form of satire, so many friends told me over the chat box that the reasons are entirely different nt only education, quality, money but the environment of US Open Culture and many more exposures which tempt them to go. I had very serious discussions with the friends who have done their PG, Ph D and Post Doc and now either settled in US UK or came back to India. But no body dared to write here on my wall except Tohid Qureshi, whom I said to write his views on public domain. Reservation and quota is nt a big issue Samarth Shrivastava, this is the simplest thing we can solve in fraction of seconds, but we are lacking at commitment for Improvement and at the national level we are nt putting even 3% of our GDP on education as of now. that too very meager amount on higher education and researches. So think at a larger level and I expect discussions with open mind, nt with close mindset. Again want to reiterate here that am raising things for education as a Country and nt to make Mockery of any individual.
Vishal Pandit Tarakki karne ka haq sabko hai Gurudev.....Hamne to apne planning commission ke deputy chairman, PM, UPA Chairman etc sabko aayat kiya ha


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