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Interesting Discussion on Water Problem of Dewas and Award

संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने मध्य प्रदेश के देवास जिले को इस साल सामुदायिक जल प्रबंधन के काम के लिए दुनियां के बेहतरीन तीन कामों में से एक माना है. बधाई हो देवास.
Sandip Naik अरे वाह मेरा जिला महान और पानी के ये हाल वहाँ कि बारह दिनों में एक बार मिलता है इंदौर से उधार ले-लेकर गुजारा चल रहा है.............हमें तो दशकों से पानी नसीब नहीं हुआ..........घर के ट्यूबवेल पर ज़िंदा है वरना सरकारी पानी तो सपने भी नहीं आता ब............ये कहा से खबर या गप्प उडाई है तुमने भाई...........हाँ पानी के नाम पर बड़ी दुकाने जरूर है देवास से लेकर बागली तक.... 

@ Ground Journalist, I know this whole game very well. This was started by M Mohan Rao then DM Dews who brought this Ponds in farms concept and in addition to this roof water harvesting was also the efforts of people. I have been in Dewas from 1970 and seeing the clear deterioration in water level. As far as ground water is concerned the level is more than 600 feet now, I do have a borewel at my home and depth is 560 feet, you can make out what situation is. Although lot of efforts are being done, also I want to reiterate here that there was a time when municipal corporation used to bring water by TRAINS and it had become the talk of the nation. NOw we are getting water from Narmada and that too we are completely on the mercy of Indore and its politicians. Even Dewas MLA claimed that he brought water of narmada to Dewas.........dont challenge, हमें मालूम है जन्नत की हक्केकत लेकिन दिल बहलाने को ये ख्याल अच्छा है and what UN do am well aware as of now am doing consultancy for one UN Organization and what kind of work and things are going on I know very well, all are just pleasing Bureaucrats ..............writing good report and reality are two different aspects and we should nt challange ground realities.ya.................???
also i need nt to learn about dewas from you as i too have done lot of work for the said problem and am nt in Ego its your ego that reflecting here visiting villages on sample basis and writing a Prize winning report that too with copy + paste will nt make you great and immortal..............if you can nt use a constitutional language for any one it clearly shows who is living in Pseudo ego 
*It is not a game of any M Mohan Rao. There are thousands of farmers of hundreds of villages, I talked and interviewed and met for weeks. I have seen thousands of ponds and no one took the name of any M Mohan Rao.
*Yes I know that you are the God of Dewas. 
*Dear Sandip Naik ji,
I am happy to visit Dewas with anyone. The thousands of farmers will tell the truth. You are not a God. Let farmers decide what is the truth.
sorry there is no god in Dewas it is Hill of Devi ..........alas you could refer some history and EM Forster .......
*I am not a historian. I am a journalist and prefer to see things by my own eyes and prefer to talk with common people rather than gods or goddess of the field of NGOs and so-called sponsored social activism.  
*Entire malwa region and that too villages are facing severe scarcity of water, entire crop pattern has been changed due to water scarcity and off course there are farmers who gave a tough fight to this problem by using and making ponds in their fields but unfortunately drinking water is still a big issue. What journalists see and write we all know its all sponsored and especially when they get fellowships from organizations like UN or some international funding agency, all is in vain.........unfortunately. In stead of talking about the issues and all they start praising IAS officers and concerned. For kind information neither am god nor any NGO wala type of dalal and nt the social activist and also nt a journalist thankfully........................but I know the issue and i know where is the problem.....................nor i intend to become a master piece like Anupam Mishra ...........what i am i know and am happy with this ...........
*Dear Sandip Naik, I challenge you to prove my report wrong. Do not debate, just prove it by facts not by superficial or emotional baseless logics. I will write to UN and other organizations that my report was wrong. I am happy to visit Dewas again with you on my expenses to evaluate the facts of my report. I am accredited journalist and follow code of conduct professionally. I accept your challenge.

I will not be in India up to August thus after September 2012 to November 2012, I am happy to visit Dewas with you to check the facts.

If you accept, please let me know.


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