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Katthiwada although Kashmir but where is the heaven without Hospital and health Facilities

Recently I had been to Katthiwada in Jahbua district. This place is known as the kashmir of MP and the full area is surrounded with greenery and hills. Gujrat is very close by and the tribes of Katthiwafda are very much influesnced byt he gujrati culture as they are often found in Chhto Udaipur for any work.
Kalyani, an institute for community development is working in the area since 2000. Ms Sadhana and Herwig Shritibul are two wonderful persons working here with full devotion and enthusaism with local tribes. They are primarily working in the fields of livelihood and health. "Very often we get trained social workers here but after some days they just run away as there are no facilities and connectivity in the area, hence we decide to train local tribal youths and now we have a good trained team with us who is shapping out the area and actively working for the betterment of the people. We are also trying to strengthen the PRIs and women leadership so that in stipulated time we get good women leaders in the local self governanace" Says Sadhana.
When we were talking to many women sarpanchs they all said that there is no system functioning and all the aanganwadis are are defused, no PDds shop works in rmeote areas, schools are in very bad shape and the most important health facilites are worst.They all said very boldly that things are becoming worse and deteriorating day by day.
The discussion held with women leaders was an alrming sign for me and I really wanted to see the reality!!!!!!
I thought to visit the local hospital and see the ground reality. So I just went to hospital. I found an old building and three persons were sitting in the Varanda and two of them were female health workers. They told me to meet the incharge doctor and kept quite. I entered in the doctors room ........ it was an old dark room stinking very badly the roof was leaking and the walls were full of patches. Although the curtains were hung and the table was proper there were two chairs and he had all the required equipments for general health check up. The doctor was little surprised to see me in the room as if I was not his patient and looking quite healthy!!!!!!!! HE started immediately "I dont have staff and there are 5 posts sanctioned in this Community Health Center but no one wants to join here and I have been here since long back and doing all the multiple works of CHC. There are two sub centers and agfainst two posts only one Contractual doctor is working and very soon he may also leave. There are 30 Village centers in the Katthiwada but there are only 17 Male MPW and 7 Female MPW are working hence the condition of health facilities are worst.Although we have reduced MMR, IMR and give away all the benifits to the people like janani surakha yozna, pariwahan yozna etc. Being only traind doctor I have to attend all the works including video conferencing and different meetings at Block level very frequently and send the DAK regularly, so, whenever am not here the people have to suffer. A Medico graduate from Gwalior Medical college, he is performing his job nicely. But ultimately people in the area are suffering. He also said about the herbal medicines used by the tribes. He informed that people go to gujrat for medication as the town doesnt have adequate facilities.
The country has been observing NRHM, RCH II and other big projects and all but harsh reality is that people dont have right to get minimum facilities after 60 years of independence!!!! and the tribes are the most affected community of this web.
Lets hope one day the town Katthiwada will really become Kashmir of the state and people will appear like fresh apples full of freshness blood and zeal and hopeful for dazzling future.


Anonymous said…
Dear sir,
Nice to know that u started sharing ur experiences this way.
Pawan Gupta said…
dear dada....

I am really happy to see that you started writing on blog. Story is quit alarming and I guess, this is not only about Katthiwada but most of the rural villages in India have similar problems in terms of health and education. ‘And it is absolutely true that condition is becoming worse and worse as time is passing’. I can animate the images of my own home village from last 15 year and can visualize the huge degradation in people’s life.

Chandni Tyagi said…
Well thats quite a true story of almost every village of this nation....there are hospital buildings but no buildings are there but no teacher in them or none of them exists. But the good thing is that even in this murky environment there is still a ray of hope left as young people like us have actually started dialoguing on all these issues. Well one just need to start from somewhere and kudos to Sandeep bhai for initiating this process here. Hopefully we will have more constant brainstorming discussions and sharings on this blog


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