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Showing posts from July, 2009

Dr Priyesh Vishwakarma, A Guitarist Doctor and Seoni Visit

It was a day of July 23 2009. Heavily raining in Chhidwara, Seoni in the dense forests......... I was on official tour and went to see the works of IDYWC, Sopan and other NGOs. The other objective was to meet my Pride Doctor and Son Dr Priyesh Vishwakarma. Priyesh was an obedient student of Army School Mhow. When I joined on Oct 1, 2000, he was caught in some funny activities and I caught him, but did not punished rather I took his rough copy and wrote Dr Priyesh, MS , Neurology. T0 day the dream was coming true......... I was going to meet him. I was put up in Hotel Anand Seoni, the best one in Seoni. I got him on orkut and since then we were in contact but was eager to see him physically and wanted to chat a lot on not only time we spent together but also on Medical issues. Whole day I was busy with meetings, it was raining heavily and all the roads were disconnected and no power and no telephone connectivity........ in remote areas life becomes ridiculous when basic things are not a...

All the Best Anoop, Amitosh and Mitesh

HI Anoop, Amitosh and Mitesh I would like wish you all the best for your professional world and new path, may you reach to the pinnacle of success and get maximum out puts from the globalized market. Since you all are IIT passed out, you may not get time to understand the world profession and culture but be careful the world is so smart these days and ready to eat youngsters like you...... any way..... I wanted to meet you on 18 Anoop and Amitosh but due to some mental illness and revenge I did nt turn up to Indore but this is a confession that I did nt turn up, any ways all the best, njoy Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love

कुमार स्वामी का नही rahna

एक अच्छे दोस्त कुमार स्वामी का १७ जुलाई को देहांत हो गया यह ख़बर आज श्रीलक्ष्मी के मेल से मिली । कुमार मेरे न सिर्फ़ दोस्त थे बल्कि उन्होंने मेरे जाले साफ़ करने में बहुत मदद की थी । कुमार की दिलकश हंसी और तल्ख़ ताने बस अब यादें ही रह गई है उनकी बेटी गायत्री बंगलोर के किसी कॉलेज में पढाती है । फिलोमिना कुमार और कुछ दोस्तों ने ऐकिया में एक ट्रेनिंग सेण्टर शुरू किया था और कालांतर में वह सेण्टर एक अड्डा बन गया था जहाँ दुनिया भर के नवाचारी लोग बाग आते रहते थे और अपनी समझा बनाते थे । मेरी यद् में कुमार भोपाल दिल्ली बंगलोर और नासिक तक समाये हुए है होटल के कमरों में अक्सर हम साथ रूककर बियर उडाते थे और फ़िर समाज कार्य की माँ भैन करते थे कुमार को दिखावा और झूठ से सख्त नफरत थी और वो हुन्गेर प्रोजेक्ट में काम करने वाली पेज ३ की औरतो की भी असलियत बताया करते थे और जम कर ठहाका लगते और कहते की दिल्ली में सोशल वर्क करने वाली ये औरते क्या जा...