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Showing posts from February, 2010

Ik-Oankaar {‘There is but one God’: Nanak}

Gurvinder Arora is a Soft ware Engineer in Gudgaon and very close to my heart. He writes and speaks nicely and authoritatively on various topics and subjects. One of his writings is here to understand the entirely different point of view of Philosophy and Religion) Until the person is faithless, he cannot determine his actions confidently and conspicuously. His faith defines his actions and his deeds. Different philosophies and socio-cultural value systems define their own entity of faith. Subsequently, creating a path on which first the value runs through, following the confidence to act upon, following the learning from the definitive involvement. Through that learning, the human being studies and judges the consequences, and hence develops a faith towards or against the value. The next time that learning becomes a portion of a thought process in terms of ‘This is what I believe’ or ‘This is the response I prefer in this particular scenario’. “There is but one God” induces a sense of...